2040: the model behind

Twenty-For-Zero (2040) as a serious game makes sense only if its model has solid theoretical basis. so many references have been adopted and adapted to create this game.

Initially the game was based on a 10 year scenario as defined in Paris agreement where temperature should increase only 1.5 deg (in the decade 2020/2030); see Climate Action Tracker for a summary (link).
However this goal has been defined too ambition just in 2021, so I had remodule in something different: is it possible to achieve net zero emission in 20 years ? Ideally in the 20 years from 2020 so that the target date will be 2040?.

Here the list of the different researches I made to understand how the model could work. They are interesting by themselves, because not only they have been used to design the model of the game, but I learned a lot about our reality.
Clearly this is a game so many simplification will be adopted. A good example as reference could be Terraforming Mars.

The game is mostly based on 5 different dimensions:

There are some mechanisms to achieve the goals

  • Regions
  • Projects
  • UN initiatives
  • Market for resources and CO2 emissions
  • The netzero goal measured on the worst


Ideally the game could be played also in solo, with a single area with the same goal.